Billel Rababi

Billel is an experienced psychologist with specialised training in the areas of men's mental health, trauma-informed practice, attachment theory as well as grief and loss. Billel is also fluent in Arabic.

Drawing on his experience working in the child protection field as a Psychologist, he can provide personalised therapy and awareness to fathers and their children and mothers and children who have been subjected to domestic violence and significant trauma.

Billel has a keen interest in the area of masculinity. Other areas of interest include chronic pain management, personal injury rehabilitation and assisting clients with their return to work goals and achieving pre-injury functionality in their day to day life.


You may contact Billel Rababi directly:
0477 118 184

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    39 Queen St,
    Auburn NSW 2144

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    Phone: (02) 8733 3169
    Mobile: 0477 118 184
    Fax: (02) 8252 0820
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    Bankstown Square NSW 2200

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