
Our Dietitians provide expert nutrition and diet advice for people of all ages. They can help if you have a food allergy/intolerance, high cholesterol, PCOS, diabetes, cancer or gastrointestinal and renal diseases, hyperlipidaemia/hypertension, or if you are overweight or underweight.

We provide:

  • Cooking classes to learn how to cook healthy meals independently
  • General nutritional intake (macro-nutrients) and complete (macro and micro-nutrients) nutritional intake assessments
  • Lipid lowering dietary advice, and also for hypertension levels
  • Dietary advice for pre-diabetes, and diabetes 1 and 2
  • Achieving gut health, including the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), celiac disease and diverticulitis
  • Weight management
  • Renal disease management
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver dietary advice
  • Cancer dietary management advice
  • Dietary advice for pregnancy and paediatric nutrition
  • Reflux dietary advice

Our Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.

After giving you a thorough assessment, one of our expert physiotherapists will quickly determine the right therapy for your particular pain, then focus on settling your discomfort as quickly as possible.

We assist with:

  • Workcover/CTP injuries
  • Sports injuries and taping
  • Chronic pain eg lower back pain
  • Musculoskeletal issues eg tendinopathy, bursitis, muscle imbalances, back and neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Postural issues
  • Post-operative rehabilitation
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults.

Our Speech Pathologists help with communication or swallowing difficulties associated with:

  • developmental delays in children
  • learning problems
  • a stroke or other brain injury
  • intellectual disability
  • cerebral palsy
  • dementia
  • hearing loss
  • other problems that affect speech and language
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapist

Our occupational therapists treat people who are injured, ill, or have a disability, through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. They can help clients to develop, recover, improve, as well as maintain the skills needed for daily living and working.

They can also:

  • help you maintain, regain or improve your independence by using different techniques, changing your environment and using new equipment.
  • help you, or someone you know, after an accident or illness, or who has a disability or mental illness
  • provide assessments and medico-legal reports
  • work with children such as those with learning difficulties
  • develop strategies to help with a disability or mental health issues
  • help improve your confidence in social situations

Occupational Assessment & Therapy

 Assessment and Therapy to improve daily living skills.
The purpose of Occupational Therapy services is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life, particularly those activities that are meaningful to the client.
What to expect:

Following an initial discussion to determine your meaningful goals and how best to delivery therapy support services, a personal plan is developed to detail how we will help you to achieve your goals.

We provide services where you need them, such as your home or workplace. We will undertake a comprehensive assessment of your environment to identify your needs and barriers and how best to address them. Recommendations may include adaptative technology/equipment, training and education in its use, adapting/modifying your environment and/or therapy sessions to improve your ability to perform daily activities.

A specific service agreement is developed based on the Occupational Therapy services we will provide you outlining fees/costs.

Contact to request fee guide/schedule based on services requested. The NDIS Hourly rate is as per the NDIS fee guide.


Independent and comprehensive medicolegal assessment and reports detailing your client’s past, current and future care needs, their inability to perform daily activities within their home and community, their need for modifications and equipment, and replacement cost of such items.
Various claim types: CTP Personal Injury claims, medical negligence and public liability.
Fee Guide: 12 – 18 hours depending on injury complexity and level of report detail. Contact us for the hourly rate and cover.

Various Assessment Services

·   Activities of daily living assessments

·   NDIS functional assessments

·   Ergonomic workstation assessments

·   Vehicle ergonomic assessments

·    Workplace assessments

·    Medicolegal assessments

Specialist Work Disability Services

·    Task Analysis

·    CTP Rehabilitation services

·    Manual handling training

·    Group ergonomic training



At Mindwise, we provide a supportive and caring environment to help you achieve healthy psychological functioning and well-being. Our qualified and professional Psychologists adopt a warm, respectful and nurturing interpersonal style to empower clients and create a sense of comfort so that they can navigate through difficult times. Our goal is not to promote dependence on psychologists but to teach clients the skills to manage their own conditions.

Some of the Psychological services we provide are as follows:

Assessment and Treatment 
The Psychologists at Mindwise have extensive experience in conducting assessments for your mental health care needs. Since effective treatment relies upon precise assessment and diagnosis, you can be at ease in our competent care.

Positive Behaviour Support and Neurodiversity

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) focuses on making improvements in a person’s quality of life. PBS recognises that all behaviours happen for a reason, and similarly, challenging behaviours also have a purpose such as communicating important information about a person’s needs, stresses, and skill development. People who are unable to communicate easily can often be misunderstood and behaviour becomes their main way of communicating. This is where PBS comes in, by assisting behaviour support practitioners to try to understand what a person is trying to communicate. PBS is not applied behaviour analysis (ABA) and does not involve long hours of repetitive therapies. It does not include punishments or trying to make someone ‘less autistic’ such as by increasing eye contact or reducing stimming behaviours. Instead, it recognises and respects an individual’s neurodiversity and unique strengths. Our behaviour support practitioners work to understand a person’s preferences, communication styles, sensory needs and challenges, so that we can create an environment that supports their well-being and positive engagement. We seek to foster a collaborative and inclusive approach with the person and carers, thus promoting a sense of autonomy, dignity, and self-determination.

IQ Tests and Psychometric Testing 

Our Sydney-based assessment team is made up of clinical and educational and developmental psychologists, all with a minimum of 10+ years experience within the public and private health sector. We specifically assess for:
– Autism
– Developmental delays
– Intellectual disability, and
– Specific learning disorders such as dyslexiaWe offer a high quality service to all our clients. We ensure our psychologists engage in ongoing learning, development and supervision to continually refine their skills in the area neurodevelopmental assessments and therapy.

Mindwise is a NDIS registered provider and services NDIS participants, as well as those seeking eligibility for NDIS. Our comprehensive assessment reports have a high acceptance rate for clients seeking NDIS funding (where the eligibility criteria has been satisfied).

Positive Psychology and Life Coaching
Positive psychology is the study of the “good life”, or the positive aspects of the human experience that make life worth living. It differs from traditional psychology which focuses primarily on mental illness, abnormal psychology, trauma, and pain. But positive psychology focuses on happiness, well-being, exceptionalism, strengths, and flourishing.

The field is intended to complement, not to replace traditional psychology. It does not seek to deny the importance of studying how things go wrong, but rather to emphasise the importance of using science to help things go right.

While many people believe they can achieve greater results by working hard to improve weaknesses, research continually shows that a strengths focus is far more effective. Everyone has strengths. Not everyone is clear about what their strengths are and how to capitalise on them.

Research tells us that when we are using our strengths, we are happier, more confident, we have higher levels of energy and vitality, we are more resilient, engaged and more likely to achieve our goals quicker. We are flourishing, thriving and experience enhanced well-being. This doesn’t mean we won’t experience life’s challenges; it means we are in a better position to deal with them.

Take the Strengths Profile Test today with our CAPP-certified Psychologist and Life Coach. This online test will reveal your unique profile, detailing your unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses. These meaningful insights allow you to learn how to make better decisions, be the best version of yourself, choose the most appropriate career path, and live purposefully.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a natural and pleasant altered state of consciousness that brings about selective, focused attention, where you are deeply relaxed and alert at the same time. We usually experience this “trance-like” state in everyday life when we are daydreaming or just before we drift off to sleep. Clinical Hypnotherapy is the use of this altered state of consciousness to bring about lasting, positive change in a person’s life.

The human mind is of two parts: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, which is a largely untapped, powerful tool, controlling emotion and behaviour. Most human problems and habits do not come from the conscious mind. For example, you don’t consciously decide to be anxious. Because hypnotherapy deals directly with the deep intuitive wisdom of the inner mind, it can assist us to bypass those obstacles and negative belief patterns we often get stuck in.

Hypnotherapy is a safe, proven and effective tool for directly accessing the power of your subconscious. In hypnosis we have more flexibility and power to replace old response circuits with new desirable ones that can assist us to achieve those things we have previously struggled to do using our everyday conscious mind. Awaken your subconscious and tap into its strength to treat anxiety, depression, addictions, IBS, lose weight, quit smoking, nail biting, teeth grinding, pain management, sleep difficulties or insomnia, improve memory and concentration, improve self-esteem and confidence, change unwanted behaviour patterns, assist with birth, surgical and dental procedures. 

Injury claims
Whether you have a personal injury, work-related matter, or have been in a motor vehicle accident, our experienced Psychologists can assist you through the recovery and rehabilitation process.

Report Writing
At Mindwise, we are well known for our exceptional expertise in report writing. We can provide a wide range of reports for different circumstances, including but not limited to court, immigration, Centrelink, NDIS review, medico-legal and treating reports.

Online/telephone counselling
If you are looking for therapy in Sydney NSW, but are in a remote area or have restricted access to mental health professionals, we can offer therapy to you through telephone consultations or video conference using Zoom / Skype. You can also access these services if you feel that face to face consultations are not right for you. If you are based overseas, you can access this service via private fees. If you are based in Australia, telehealth sessions can be covered by Medicare and your private health cover. which means counselling is now more accessible and affordable than ever.

Work Development Order
If you are unable to pay a fine you’ve incurred, and you meet the eligibility criteria, Revenue NSW can issue you with a Work and Development Order (WDO). This will reduce your fine by allowing you to participate in certain treatment.

We have Psychologists who are approved WDO practitioners who may agree to support your WDO activity and apply on your behalf. Contact us for more information or visit the Service NSW website.

Consultancy and Training
We can provide consultancy and coaching services to your business or organisation on a wide range of areas and topics. Choose from our ready-to-go workshops or request a tailored training package designed with your unique ideas in mind.

We utilise evidence-based approaches to enhance your teams effectiveness, connectivity, productivity and motivation. Invest in your employees wellbeing via our corporate psychology services. Support them during critical incidents with group debriefing and one-on-one therapy. If you would like to contract one of our professional clinicians, we can arrange to have them come out to you at your organisation / school, or any other location you require. Please contact us for more information.


39 Queen St,
Auburn NSW 2144

Contact Us

Phone: (02) 8733 3169
Mobile: 0477 118 184
Fax: (02) 8252 0820
Postal: PO BOX 3524
Bankstown Square NSW 2200

Copyright 2025 Mindwise Health & Wellbeing
NDIS Appointment Non-NDIS Appointment

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